Thursday, 17 Oct
Well I had hoped to
be back with news about a brand server and lots of downloads. But
unfortunately I do not have the time necessary to keep this website
going. So I'm sorry everyone but this will be my last post. I've had
loads of fun getting this website up and running but I had no idea
it would take so much of my time to keep it going. The website will
stay up since I have Episode Guides and such which are always
useful. I have updated the links page with all my personal favorite
ER websites so that you can still know where to get ER spoilers,
news and such from other sites. Thanks to everyone who has come to
visit this site and I hope you had a fun time browsing around, keep
watching ER everyone. Bye !
Monday, 07 Oct. 2002

There's an ER TV Guide cover and
article this week. It talks about all the changes in ER in
recent years and how it plans on getting back to it's roots and
focusing more on the medical aspects instead of dealing with
arrivals and departures of characters. Yay !
Matt Roush a TV Guide
critic also
answers a few questions related to ER, it's grotesque scene of
Romano losing his arm and ratings.
Noah Wyle talks about his future on ER. It doesn't look
promising for Carter fans. He doesn't seem to be planning on
re-signing his contract after the tenth season. Noah almost seems
bored with his current role. I love Carter and Noah but wasn't it
only last month that we couldn't stop hearing enough about how much
Noah luuuurved being number one on the call list and the star
of the show ? What's up with that ?
In a freakish
Jude Law's daughter was hospitalized after the toddler swallowed
Ecstasy accidentally. Talk about life imitating art. Hopefully she's
expected to make a full recovery.
OK folks that's the
news, now I have a website announcement. I won't be updating the
site for a short while as I'll be looking for and changing the
website to a new server. The new website will have more features,
and lots of DOWNLOADS ! I'm excited, so check back and it should be
up soon.
Thursday, 26 Sept.
After months of waiting
we've reached the big day, the season premiere is tonight, finally !
The VCR is set and I'm ready to go. I really hope the episode is as
good as it looks in the promos.
For die hard fans who
are still pulling their hair out with anticipation despite less than
24 hrs left to go here's something to take a look at. It's
another sneak peak at some scenes from tonight's premiere
interlaced with comments from the actors about the episode and
upcoming season.
With the season
premiere tonight there are two articles out talking about ER's
upcoming season and if it can retain it's spot at the top. The first
is a
in-depth article including interviews with Jack Orman, Mekhi
Phifer and Alex Kingston. Interestingly enough Kingston says she
would like to return to playing Corday as she was when we first saw
her, a spunky surgeon and not so much the Corday we've seen lately.
The second is a critic listing the
issues that might cause problem for ER.
ER creator
Michael Crichton was robbed at gunpoint and tied up by two men
who ransacked his home, fortunately he wasn't harmed.
Some more interviews
Eriq La Salle about him and his movie
"Crazy As Hell"
Wednesday, 25 Sept.
As I write this it's
little over 24 hours till the Season Premiere, I can't wait. Is
everyone excited ? Here's a
sneak preview of
a scene from tomorrow night's premiere from Zap2it. It's a scene
between Carter and Abby.
Noah Wyle and Maura
Tierney talk about
changes in the ER after all the departures.
Eriq La Salle continues
the rounds promoting his movie "Crazy As Hell" There are two lengthy
articles about the actor
here and
here for the Eriq fans.

As I mentioned on
Monday that TV Guide has an ad for ER with Carter and Abby in the
shower. Someone has kindly posted a scan of it over at the Carby
board. Here's the scan.
This is kind of off
topic but did anyone else watch Presidio Med last night ? If you did
and enjoyed it please ignore what I'm about to say next. I watched
it and I was fascinated by the first episode (rolls eyes). In
it we saw a doctor who just found out she has cancer, a baby fight
for it's life, a doctor fighting a HMO, doctor's finding insight
about their lives through their patients and doctor's walking at a
rapid pace down hallways while discussing patients. Hmmm haven't I
seen this before somewhere ? It was basically ER without the action,
great writing, captivating characters and originality. It has
potential but it needs to get more of a life of it's own instead of
recycling ER into a clinic setting. That's just my opinion.
Tuesday, 24 Sept.
I've finally taken down
the construction sign. Although not every page is complete and the
site will keep on evolving the bulk is up and running so I thought
I'd take down the sign.
I've also added a new
page to the Cast section. It has short bios of the current
characters on the show.
On to the
news....Tonight on CBS is the debut of "Presidio Med" another
medical drama created by the producers of ER. Although most critics
have give it a thumbs down here is what Lydia Woodward had to say
about the new show in comparison to ER. "We loved ER, but from a
storytelling standpoint there was always something frustrating,"
says executive producer Lydia Woodward, who co-created Presidio Med
with her ER boss John Wells. "You could never really dive into the
longer-term relationships between doctors and their patients, which
is the kind of relationship that most of us hope to have — a doctor
who knows us and is looking out for us. Having it slightly tilted
toward women doctors reflects where medicine is headed. It is
increasingly becoming populated by females."
Monday, 23 Sept.
This just in II !,
Entertainment Tonight voted Maura Tierney's outfit as a fashion
don't citing it as too informal for the occasion.
This just in !,
TV Gal at has voted: "Most Boring Presenters: Noah Wyle
and Maura Tierney. No wonder they had no chemistry when Carter and
Abby kissed last season."
A few comments have been made about that and also about the way
Maura was dressed. My opinion is yes it wasn't a chemistry filled,
dressed up (although Noah did look mighty fine), engaging delivery.
It was dry but it's only an awards show and they were on for a
minute at most. Give them a break.
FYI: Maura does not like wearing dresses or being on live
television. No wonder the poor gal looked like she wanted to run out
of there at any second.
Post Emmy Wrap Up:
Noah Wyle and Maura Tierney did indeed present an award at last
night's Emmy awards. They presented the Best Directing for a Drama
Series award.
John Wells did not win for "On The Beach" although he was part of
the team that won best drama for "The West Wing". My question is
John why don't you work that same magic on ER anymore ? Too busy at
"The West Wing" ?
"Friends" won best comedy and Jennifer Aniston won best actress in a
comedy. How is this relevant to ER you ask ? Well just goes to show
ER critics and producers that a show in it's eighth year can
be both successful and award winning if consistent effort is made to
make it excellent. Don't get me wrong, I love ER but I think most
people agree it could be better than in the past few seasons.
For those ardent Carter
and Abby fans, this weeks issue of TV Guide with Henry Simmons and
Kim Catrall on the cover has an ad for ER and one of the pics has
Carter and Abby in the shower.
ER is featured in a
article discussing medical lingo accuracy on TV.
TV Guide has named
George Clooney the
sexiest male of all time on television. Congrats George !
Eriq LaSalle is doing
the rounds promoting his movie "Crazy As Hell" You can read
interviews with him
here and